Sunday, April 29, 2012


At least twice a day or when I come across a fellow mixing engineer with minimum experience, I get asked,  "What are the easiest tips you can share with me to achieve better sounding mixes?"  I usually answer this question with my three personal keys to acquiring great sounding mixes, as follows!

Mix at a lower monitoring level!  Mixing at lower monitoring levels is one of the keys to great equalibrium / flat frequency response.  In my career I've been blessed to have mixed many different styles of music, yet one constant holds true in every genre.  If your mix can sound great at a low monitoring level and in mono, then once it's played with properly crossed-over subs and high-end main speakers, then - WOW!  It will sound great once it's played in a club or bar.  Truly listen to four or five of the greatest mixes you can find, at a low monitoring level and compare it with your finished mix.  99% of the time, a major release will sound just as clear and punchy, at ANY monitoring level. 

Test or monitor through car speakers and headphones!  Some studios actually have a car in the main studio, just for previewing mixes in the most widely used environment.  This technique has been used for decades with car speaker type monitors also, e.g., Yamaha NS-10's.  The NS-10 monitor is a car speaker mounted into a box and used as a near-field studio monitor system.  Cars and headphones are the main mediums used by consumers, for listening to music and our mixes.  So, why not monitor and listen to your mixes (before the world hears them) through the same type of system?  Well,... it's a proven fact that, a mix will mirror how it sounds in a near-field system or head phones, as it will once played loudly in larger, more expensive systems.  And, in my humble opinion, the NS-10 is a terrible sounding, over priced speaker!  Yet, they're a mainstay within the major recording studio market.  I can't remember going into a major recording facility and not seeing a set of NS-10's sitting on the desk or console.

Use VU meters in conjunction with dBFS meters!  I use Coleman VU Meters in conduction with my dBFS meters, throughout the tracking, mixing and mastering process.  dBFS meters are mainly used (when calibrated properly) as a visual indicator of the maximum before clipping or distortion level.  When I want to see my true, low-end and RMS response; I use my VU meters!  Also, whenever I solo a channel I'm mainly looking at the VU meters for the bounce of the signal and the , which usually relates to any release settings of compressors in my gain structure.

Sunday, March 4, 2012



Who makes the decisions on whom is hot or relevant, as it applies to the music game these days?  YOU!  The most profitable record labels are the independents, aka - indies, (statisticly).  

The music industry is at a pivotal changing of the guard right now.  I remember when the cassette tape and cassette tape players came out and the "Big 6 Major Labels", were loosing their mind, cause they assumed records sales as a whole, would decrease to a point where they couldn't control the game.  The same phenomenon happens across the music industry when any new medium, that will allow music to be on to it, i.e., the compact disc, comes along!  

Well, that time has finally come to pass,...  All you need is a some internet savvy (or internet savvy team), a solid marketing plan (or marketing team), a great 5 year business plan and the ability to produce good music (or have a production team)!  Being signed to a label is obsolete in this new ARTIST DRIVEN environment!  YouTube, Twitter and FaceBook activity is the most important, if not the main issue, any label cares about now.  They compare your social network activity numbers to album/singles sales expectations.  So, why not approach sharing your music on the WWW, than waiting for a label to sign you as a slave?  And, you're still not guaranteed that your single or album will be put out anyway!

Basically, it's time for whomever wants to try and produce good music for the masses to get your grind on!!  Just do the research, develop a plan, pick a great team (production, marketing, business) and release your music on the internet!

Please bare with me while I finish building my blog,...

Much success,


Sunday, February 19, 2012


Please bare with me while I finish building my blog,...

From the time I could remember, listening to music has been a joy and a comfort in my life.  And, I've always wondered, "How does music effect the masses? Does everyone feel the way I do?"

Music has gotten me through many tough times, be it attending a funeral, listing to the radio after the lost of a pet and even while dreaming.  All these moments and many more, were less stressful experiences, due the emotional weight that music carries by nature.  It's obvious that music keeps us listening to the radio for most awakened hours and some of us, even sleep to music.

Wow, what a dance,... I couldn't live without music!  Well, I wanted to know how does music effect others?

Thanks ahead of time,
